Sunday 12 October 2014

From 3d printing to working prototype

3D printer broke down Saturday so took some time to get it running again.
Printing front plate for air speed indicator. Its still very early design so not sharing update design yet.

This is how indicator looks like for now. Final thing will be of course black/dark gray. Also planning some sort of back light.

Is powered by 28BYJ-48 stepper motor.
Specification :
Have decided to use steppers instead of servo motors. Most servos only offering 180 degrees of movement so it was decision between making soft of gearbox or simply use little stepper. They are less than £4 with a driver board. Wow!

Managed to get a prototype working today after many hours of tweaking the code. There is massive issue with stepper motors. They move by number of steps, it takes time, so to update angle position you must estimate or calculate position by time every update. I will share full source code after fixing some timing issues and adding calibration system. At the moment system works in relation to starting position.

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